I overheard someone talking the other day, she said she had not time to teach her daughter how to cook or to spend time with her during the summer, so it's best to put her into camps all summer long. How sad that is. There was a time when mother's passed on generations of family recipes to their daughters and father's spent time with their sons. Today we live in an age where we can be reached 24/7, where were paid less than ever and expected to work more than ever. Our country has no idea what matters, and though of us who do know, are forced into doing otherwise. More important than that report that really means nothing in the end, that needs done every month or every week anyhow, is the memory that son or daughter is going to have for the rest of his or her life. That memory can just as easily be of what you didn't do with them. I'm one of those few people that think other people are more important than the job. I mean really, experience has taught me no matter how much time you devote to the job, you get laid off without a bat of an eye, someone less deserving gets the promotion. Is giving up your one shot in life really worth it? Sadly, I believe most Americans have taken that route - otherwise, this wouldn't be the scenario today.
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