I walked outside today and across the street a neighbor has a YES ON 8 sign on their lawn. I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's a strange feeling to know that someone living across from you thinks you are less than human and do not deserve the same rights as they do. I wonder if the blacks and the Indians of years past had a similar feeling in their stomachs. Some people just need a good swift kick in the a$$! Dear neighbor, how dare you say I don't have the right to marry. How dare you.
1 comment:
I can't wait to read that later when I've got a chance. BTW...I feel you on the Prop 8 thing. My neighborhood and most of the people I know are so YES prop 8. I think they believe the BS propaganda on TV and somehow think that equal rights for everyone will hurt their families and the fabric of marriage. HOW IN THE HELL can gays marrying have ANY EFFECT on THEIR marriage! WTF. Is this NOT America? Do we not have a BILL OF RIGHTS and a CONSTITUTION. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! If anything I think that everyone should be able to marry, and have the seriousness attached to it by legally binding yourself to someone that the rest of us have to enjoy and also hold responsible too. If Prop 8 passes I'm going to have a fit. I try not to get into too many debates over this because I get so angry I end up looking like a raving lunatic. But I invariably end up asking the same question that no one can answer...If you had a child who turned out to be gay...would you deny them the right to marry and live happily? The response always is...MY CHILD IS NOT GAY. Doesn't matter. IF they were would you condemn them to a life as a second class citizen. Wouldn't they want their child to be happy and find a lifetime commitment. STILL no answer. I can't believe it sometimes. People act like we just invented homosexuality to upset the "moral right" instead of recognizing that this has existed for centuries and is a basic and justified fact of life. I don't understand why two people finding love in this world is SO threatening to people. I just don't get it.
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