Even though what I'm saying is true, it's meant to be humourous, think 'David Letterman Top 10' when you read it.
Number 10:
Learn New Languages - I can now shop at Wal-Mart with ease in Brooklyn, Alabama and Texas.
Number 9:
Great Volunteer Opportunity - You can work 12 hour days but only get paid for 6.
Number 8:
Save Money on Gas - Your social life consists of email, texts and instant messaging.
Number 7:
You Read More - Constantly getting text massages that read "We miss U wish U were here Biff says hi!"
Number 6:
Make New Friends Everyday - Your close friends have given up on ever seeing you again and replaced you with a blow up doll named Biff.
Number 5:
You Meet Celebrities - A.K.A people with jobs that don't suck.
Number 4:
New Ways of Earning Money - I'm thinking Colombian Drug Lord sounds appealing, better pay and I can set my own hours.
Number 3:
Minty Fresh Breath - You can no longer afford alcohol so you take a keen interest in mouthwash.
Number 2:
You Miss Every Get Together - Now you can use the money you would have spent on more mouthwash.
and the Number 1 reason for being a Flight Attendant:
Weight Loss - You can't afford food, but who needs to eat when you've always got the flu anyhow!