Kathy Griffin is on the top of the list of people I'd like to meet. I just started watching the D-List this week. She's so politically incorrect. She says what she wants - which means, she's fun. I just finished watching the episode in Tracy, and I LOVE her!!!! If you know anything about Tracy, CA, then you know it's mostly full of a lot of morons and people who think they're something they're not. People complain about a $3.00 per ticket service charge! $3.00! How exciting would it be to only pay a $3.00 ticket charge!! If these people ever stepped out of the cow pasture, they'd get a clue to the real world. Now don't get me wrong, there are some VERY nice people there, I met one of my best friends there. They've all obviously lived elsewhere. if you ever find yourself driving though Tracy in hurry to get out, but need coffee, stop at Barista's - they're very nice and sane. Okay, first Kathy goes to Primrose Lane, and just starts scarfing down on the food. This was so fantastic! Why? Because they try to act like something they're not in there! They are so in the wrong town to try and be all upscale and classy. It's Tracy for goodness sake. This is the town where people abandon their stores and chase after you for two blocks to ask if you're seen their green notebook. No, really, they do. This is a town where people gossip because they have nothing else to do. Once when poor Perla Bertala or something like that sold only 12 tickets we had to "paper" to get anybody in to see her (hello, TRACY, do we KNOW about marketing to your audience??!!), well, we stopped at Primrose Lane and somebody that has something to do with that place ran and told City Council. See what I mean!!! Who runs and tells City Council about a standard theatre practice? People in Tracy do, because they have NO CLUE! Don't even get me started on why someone like this was even booked in Tracy, the friggin' Bean Festival is all the culture they know. "Bring back the bean" is what they spent 2007 shouting because the 2006 Bean Festival had no beans. Huh? Back to Kathy. The interviewer, Paul, didn't even know who she was. He did his research 5 minutes before the interview. Moron. Kim, one of the women who hosted the party, is one of the disillusioned who thinks she's in some high society, and wants to take over the Grand Theatre. You're in a cow town!!! A COW TOWN!! They gave Kathy a chicken. This is the kind of place this is!! Kathy made the best most honest comment EVER when she said, "Tracy's f***ed up man, it's f***ing scary here." SHE HAS NO IDEA!!! Then they go to the Great Plate. Owned by two of Tracy's biggest drunk jerks. It's the only place in town to go for drinks and mediocre food. I'll spare you the details on why they're jerks, that's another blog. Later she performs at the GRAND, which, for the first time since opening night, actually has people in the audience for a show, a very rare thing indeed! Trust me, I know, I spent hours and hours alone in that stuffy box office, with nobody coming until Kathy was booked and the phone rang off the hook. Okay, it was pretty busy for Tracy Our Town, but I digress....back to Kathy. Kathy thought the audience was great. It's only the second audience the Grand has ever seen!!!! Hmmm.... was this a blog on how much I now love Kathy, or how much I hate Tracy!!??